
Niall Hanrahan

Associate Director, London

Niall's intricate knowledge of the heritage sector has earned him an excellent reputation in dealing with especially challenging and complex projects

BA (Hons) Urban Studies & Planning – University of Sheffield 
MPlan Urban Studies & Planning – University of Sheffield/Aalborg University 
MSc Historic Conservation  Oxford Brookes University 
Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

Founder of the heritage consultancy offer at Planning Potential, Niall holds Master's degrees in Planning from the University of Sheffield and Historic Conservation from Oxford Brookes University and leads the growing Heritage Potential team. 

Niall has the expertise to effectively balance the public benefits of proposals and impact on assets, advising clients on everything from the renovation of Grade II Listed Buildings to large scale residential developments directly affecting heritage assets. Niall's experience includes working for private clients, local authorities and major developers. 

His attention to detail, intricate knowledge of both the planning and heritage sector, and personable approach has earned him an excellent reputation in dealing with especially challenging and complex projects. His track-record of delivering positive results for clients means Niall is well-equipped to provide heritage advice on projects across the country.

An entertaining member of the Planning Potential team, Niall can usually be found at the centre of any fun that takes place in the office. Apart from all things heritage, Niall's other great passions are supporting his football teams (Newcastle and Scotland) at home and abroad, and his two ginger cats, Chester and Lester. 

[email protected]
