Planning Potential secured planning permission for the sympathetic extension and alteration of a Positive Contributor in Wimbledon Village.
Working alongside Heritage Potential and Squire and Partners, we secured planning permission for the sympathetic extension and alteration of a family house in the Wimbledon West Conservation Area within Wimbledon Village.
The property is identified as a Positive Contributor within the Clifton Road Sub Area of Wimbledon West Conservation Area which was identified as an area that is experiencing a reduction in architectural quality and historic interest as only a few of the original buildings remain.
The two-storey red-brick detached dwellinghouse was built in 1881, with accommodation within the roof space. More modern extensions were added to the property in 2010 and 2012 in the form of a detached annexe and rear ‘L-shaped’ extension. Permission was sought for an infill extension and a glazed link improving the space and flow of the house and added a number of contemporary additions to achieve a dwelling fit for 21st century living.
We also managed to overcome tree issues as a mature tree lay close to the proposed extension. Trial pits determined that roots were present but not in abundance and therefore the proposal could be accommodated.
Planning Potential and Heritage Potential were instructed alongside Squire and Partners from the conception in order to lead a pre-application and full application which was approved towards the end of 2021. The application received no objections from local residents or residential societies.
Summary of Achievements
- Advice on documentation required to obtain favourable permission
- Provision of strategic planning advice in respect of the proposals and client needs
- Review of co-consultants reports and information in order to formulate/justify proposals
- Preparation and submission of pre-application material, including meeting with officers on-site
- Preparation of a planning statement and supporting planning documents
- Successful monitoring of application process and liaising with council officers.