Planning Permission awarded for contemporary extensions and internal reconfiguration of Grade II Listed Building in Primrose Hill
Working alongside TR Studio Architects, we secured Planning Permission and Listed Building consent for the reconfiguration of the Grade II listed property including new and contemporary lower ground, ground and roof extensions and internal alterations.
The property was built in the mid-1850s as part of a symmetrical terrace of six houses. The building is five storeys in height including loft and basement and is located within Primrose Hill Conservation Area.
Through compelling justification, we were able to convince the Council that the works proposed throughout the building were positive, enhancing the building or involving reversible works that were unlikely to result in harm to the historic fabric or the plan form.
The Conservation Area Advisory Committee objected to the roof proposal changes, but through making subtle changes to the scheme and providing justification for the proposals, we convinced the Council that the proposals were appropriate.
Planning permission and Listed building consent was awarded thereafter.
Summary of achievements
- Preparation and submission of pre-application advice request, including meeting with Planning and Conservation Officers.
- Preparation and Co-ordination of Planning and Listed Building consent applications
- Successful monitoring and overall management of the project culminating in determination under delegated authority
- Provision of strategic advice from the outset in respect of the property and its grounds.