Planning Potential help secure the future viability of community pub with approval for front and rear extensions to locally listed public house.
Thorough research into the historic development of the locally listed Green Man public house was used to justify two glazed front extensions and one large rear extension. The pub, which dates back to circa 1700, is the oldest public house in Putney and is steeped in history including local tales of duels and highwaymen. Valuable design input was offered in order to ensure that the significance of the local landmark would be sustained and enhanced, whilst also delivering a feasible scheme that increased customer capacity.
The extensions will provide an additional 76 internal covers and significantly enhance the year-round vitality and viability of the public house, which is over reliant on the use of its large rear garden during the summer months. Permission was also achieved for the provision of beer garden huts, fire pits, a garden bar and garden toilets to improve the customer experience and ensure efficient use of the garden.
Planning Potential worked proactively and positively with officers at LB Wandsworth to deliver the project, which was designed to frame the historic core of the building and sympathetically hide the extensive plant equipment necessary for the pub’s popular food offering.
Planning Potential were able to successfully demonstrate that the low level of surviving historic fabric, and mismatch of modern works, would fall short of the building being worthy of statutory listing. It was further argued that the building’s communal and historic value as a public house should be preserved as a priority, and that more onerous protection measures via statutory listing could unintentionally jeopardise the preservation of the undesignated heritage asset, by threatening its use for its original purpose.
Summary of achievements
- Providing design advice at an early stage to ensure the significance of the heritage asset would be retained within a feasible scheme
- Working proactively with officers to agree on an acceptable scheme