Planning Potential secured planning permission for the restoration and alteration of a Grade II Listed Georgian House, on a Metropolitan Open Land site near Hampton Court Palace.
Working alongside Heritage Potential and Dyer Grimes Architects (DGA), we secured planning permission and listed building consent for the restoration and alteration of a Grade II Listed Georgian house adjacent to both Bushy Park and the Royal Paddocks of Hampton Court Palace.
This special house dates back to 1720, comes with a royal view, and a fascinating list of prior residents – including Captain W. E. Johns, author of the children’s wartime adventure series “Biggles”.
The property is located within a site that’s designated as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL). Akin to Greenbelt sites, MOL is afforded a level of protection from development, which is only allowed in “very special circumstances”.
Planning Potential and Heritage Potential were both instructed alongside DGA after the applicant received a negative pre-application response from planning officers, relating to a previous scheme in 2019. We successfully led a new pre-application process and obtained full support from the council for a comprehensive list of works to the property.
Specifically, the works allow for the significant widening of a lightwell at lower ground floor level to form a terrace; extensions to the existing garage to create additional residential accommodation; use of Crittal glazing at lower ground floor level both internally and externally (within the lightwells); movement of the kitchen from the basement to the drawing room at ground floor level; a number of new openings within the property; new bathrooms; secondary glazing; and alterations to the layout.
Through detailed investigation and justification, we were able to prove that the extensive list of works to a listed property within this special designation area were fully acceptable and worthy of approval.
Summary of achievements
- Advice on documentation required to obtain favourable permission
- Review of co-consultants reports and information in order to formulate / justify proposals
- Preparation and submission of pre-application material, including meeting with officers
- Preparation of a planning statement and supporting planning documents
- Successful monitoring of pre-application process
- Provision of strategic planning advice in respect of the proposals