Through collaborative working, Planning and Heritage Potential successfully demonstrated that delivering a commercially viable scheme, while maintaining the building’s historical value, was key, and that the impact on the Conservation Area and Listed Building was acceptable.
Conversion of a historic office building into a boutique hotel for Youngs in the beautiful Cotswolds town of Stow-on-the-Wold
Acting on behalf of Young’s, Planning Potential’s Bristol office and Heritage Potential have together successfully secured Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent (LBC) to allow for the main building and outhouse to be converted into eight boutique hotel rooms with accompanying facilities and reception area.
The proposals relate to the former Tayler & Fletcher Estate Agents premises and its curtilage on Market Square, Stow-on-the-Wold. The building is Grade II Listed , and lies within the designated Stow-on-the-Wold and Maugersbury Conservation Area. Most of the floors of the building have been underused for a long period of time by reason of their lack of ability to meet modern business needs.
Young’s has significant experience in dealing with historic buildings and the Company takes a long-term, ‘custodian’ approach to the management of Listed Buildings. As such, the proposals were carefully considered to ensure a comprehensive and sympathetic renovation programme, that will secure the long-term vitality and viability of the whole building, including assets of historical value.
Planning and Heritage Potential worked closely with the Conservation Officer to ensure the proposals were acceptable to both the Client and the Council. Through collaborative working, Planning and Heritage Potential successfully demonstrated that delivering a commercially viable scheme, while maintaining the building’s historical value, was key, and that the impact on the Conservation Area and Listed Building was acceptable.
The proposals demonstrate the need for the hospitality sector to diversify and make best use of their premises. The scheme will provide a beautiful boutique hotel in this popular Cotswold location, creating new jobs, bringing the building back into beneficial use, while enhancing the historic value a Listed Building in the heart of the historic town and maintaining its long term future.
Summary of achievements
- Planning Potential and Heritage Potential worked proactively and positively with Officers at Cotswold District Council to deliver a successful outcome for this project, achieving a delegated planning permission and Listed Building Consent.
- Planning Potential and Heritage Potential overturned a series of significant detailed objections from the Conservation Officer to ensure the proposals were acceptable to both the Client and the Council.
- A successful demonstration of the merits of the proposals, the compliance with planning policy, and that the benefits of the scheme outweighed any harm to the local heritage assets, resulted in a positive outcome.