We supported our client’s refurbishment of the Grade II Listed St Andrew’s House, through a careful assessment of heritage assets and the need to upgrade building’s energy supply, via air source heat pump technology, reducing the carbon emissions by 62%.
St Andrew’s House is a Grade II listed building recognised as one of the oldest surviving examples of public housing in Britain. Designed by Horace Jones for the corporation of the City of London in 1875, the building now comprises of 27 apartments, over 4 floors, for Anglo American & De Beers corporate guests.
A series of applications sought to enhance the building’s long-term future. The building was reliant on gas boilers and our proposals allowed for careful retrofitting to introduce more sustainable air source heat pumps without harming the significance of the building. Carbon emissions would be reduced by 62% as a result of the proposals. The energy system allows for heating and cooling in a sustainable manner.
The proposals required plant to be housed on the roof of the building and following discussions with the council officers via the Pre-Application service, the best solution advanced with the agreement of all parties. A positive working relationship was fostered through the process, allowing for a smooth application stage.
In addition to the upgrade to the building services, the proposals included a fully accessible room for guests and employees. This required the widening of an original doorway which was agreed through balancing public benefits with less than substantial heritage harm.
Summary of Achievements
- Heritage and Planning Advice
- Successful Application of Archival Research to Justify Proposals
- Positive Liaison with Planning and Conservation Officers