Planning Potential kneaded no help in securing a new bakery in Highgate.
Planning Potential were able to rise to the challenge of delivering a new Gail’s bakery within a delightful locally listed 19th century building in Highgate. The prominent site had previously been run as a local convenience shop however after years of neglect, the unit found itself in poor condition with significant investment required to bring it back into active use.
We prepared planning applications for shopfront works to sympathetically repair the rotten timber and to install plant to the sensitive rear. In addition, applications were made for advertisements and outdoor seating.
We were keen to emphasise the need for significant investment in the unit and in doing so were able to gain the support of both the Local Planning Authority and local community groups. We worked with our client and architects to ensure that the proposals were sympathetic and preserved (and enhanced) the undesignated heritage asset’s significance.
The corner location of the site and proximity to both a vehicle roundabout and two crossings made the site sensitive to tables and chairs being placed on the highway. The usual approach of standalone tables and chairs would not be possible and we worked together with the architects and Local Authority to come up with a bespoke solution which would not pose safety issues for traffic or pedestrians but would also ensure that some outdoor seating was possible at the site. The solution involved timber benches designed to wrap around the curved bay windows.
Summary of achievements
- Obtaining support from both local resident groups and the LPA
- Providing bespoke solutions to specific issues (highways and heritage)
- Securing all permissions for our client at a challenging site