Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent secured for internal refurbishment of Grade II Burlington Arcade shop.
Heritage Potential secured consents for a shop refurbishment within Burlington Arcade. Originally built in 1818 and designed by Samuel Ware for Lord Cavendish, the luxury shopping arcade features an impressive Edwardian-Baroque architectural features. The secured permissions for the internal shop fit out including the installation of AC throughout the unit.
The sensitive implementation of these works started with careful archival research involving detailed floor plans and photographs. This allowed for a comprehensive Heritage Statement to support the proposals and highlight any potential impact to the historic fabric. This process ensured that any potential risks to the arcade’s interior and collective character were mitigated at an early stage. Symmetry and consistency were important in the arcade’s original shopfront design, therefore it was important that any modifications would not affect this.
Informed by our advice on appropriate alterations, the proposed scheme was considered sensitive both to the arcade and to the wider Mayfair Conservation Area. During the application process, we were able to monitor the application closely and negotiate with Officers for the need of the AC units and provide sufficient justification which allowed our client to achieve their best-case scenario result.