Heritage Potential Cash Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for Change of Use of Grade II Listed Bank to Pub
Heritage Potential secured consents for the 1930s neo-classical Lloyd’s building, designed by Guy Dawber and Thomas Wilson, to replace a previous Tudor style bank which was considered to “not be Georgian enough” for Farnham, the tall chimneys of which were re-erected by Harold Faulkner at the nearby Bush Hotel and Baliff’s Hall. Unusually, the building was listed in 1950 with the structure being only 19 years old.
With a positive Pre-App process undertaken and Farnham Town Council actively consulted on the proposals (with support from our engagement team, Communications Potential), we helped our client to secure consents through a smooth application process.
Early involvement in the design of the scheme allowed us to advise on the opportunities and risks with the site, identifying the front portion of the building as being of significance with historic fabric to be preserved whilst the modern rear provided opportunity for greater change.
The sensitive proposals included 9 boutique hotel bedrooms and a customer terrace to support the ground floor public house. Initial concerns over noise were allayed by early assessments into patron noise levels and the introduction of a glazed acoustic screen.
The proposed internal works celebrate the heritage of the buildings with the bar and customer area working seamlessly around the intricate historic detailing to the ceiling, skylights and windows.