Planning Potential has worked with the popular bakery chain since 2013, securing a range of planning permissions and advising on their portfolio, whilst assisting more recently on their impressive bakery expansion across the UK.
We provide both a Planning and Heritage service to Gail’s, advising on a wide range of matters, including change of use, shopfront design, plant, listed buildings, outdoor seating, advertisements and enforcement. Every site poses its own challenges, and we work with Gail’s Project Managers and their design team to secure appropriate permissions to ensure their brand identity is delivered throughout their portfolio. This has included advising on a range of Listed Buildings which has required close negotiation with LPA officers to ensure conversions meet the client’s needs.
As part of this, we work to tight timescales to ensure the required permissions are in place prior to bakery openings, utilising our relationships with LPA officers to secure efficient consents. In recent years we have also managed the process of securing Pavement Licences for external tables and chairs and street furniture for all bakeries, ensuring licences are in acquired and renewed when required.