Wittering Solar Farm

Peterborough City Council

Planning Potential continues to showcase our expertise in this sector to deliver against local and national targets for a more sustainable future.

On behalf of our client, Larkfleet Group Ltd, planning permission was secured by Planning Potential for a solar farm in Wittering, Peterborough. The solar farm delivers an extension to an existing permission on neighbouring land, and secures the installation of modern and efficient solar technology to maximise solar gain. The site extends a further 13ha and will provide an output of 11MWp of energy.

An EIA screening opinion was submitted to the council who agreed with our assessment that an EIA would not be required for the application. After positive pre-application discussions, the permission was determined under delegated powers, securing the solar farm for a period of 40 years. The solar farm will contribute towards biodiversity net gain through the dual use of the land for grazing livestock or wildflower planting. Generous landscaping will also be delivered, informed through a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment and Glint and Glare Assessment to ensure the solar farm will not adversely impact on the surrounding area.

By working proactively with the council we were able to push back on certain statutory consultee comments to secure permission aligned with the clients aspirations, whilst demonstrating a comprehensive submission.

The solar farm will help strengthen Peterborough’s move towards low carbon technologies, securing a more sustainable future for the borough.

This is the second in a number of sustainable investments and infrastructure projects the client has in the wider surrounding area and we look forward to continuing to showcase our expertise in this sector to deliver against local and national targets for a more sustainable future.