Planning Potential have been assisting Redrow Homes on this strategic site since early 2016 which will deliver up to 700 new homes in Basildon, along with a local centre, an expansion to a hospice and a new Primary School. The development will also provide high quality open spaces and play areas to complement the new homes. This project covers the submission of numerous applications for Redrow Homes along with community consultation.
Planning Potential have been assisting Redrow Homes on this strategic site since early 2016 which will deliver up to 700 new homes in Basildon, along with a local centre, an expansion to a hospice and a new Primary School. The development will also provide high quality open spaces and play areas to complement the new homes.
Basildon Council had allocated the circa 50-hectare site as one of their main strategic locations to deliver homes in the Borough. The site adjoins a residential area to the North, Lee Chapel, and so our sister company, Communications Potential have assisted in the community consultation aspect of this project, which to date, has been very successful.
Outline planning consent was granted for the Land at Nethermayne in December 2013, by Basildon Borough Council for a major, residential-led mixed use development. Following the Reserved Matters approval of Phase 1 of the scheme, Planning Potential were appointed to manage the project for Redrow Homes. On this basis, we, and the new Design Team had to ensure that the remaining phases complemented, the already built, Phase 1, in terms of design and character.
This project, over its lifetime has covered the submission of numerous applications for Redrow Homes. This includes the preparation and submission of six Reserved Matters Applications for the Site and numerous amendments to the permission (Minor Material and Non-Material Amendments) to make changes for our Client. We have also been responsible for a significant number of condition discharge applications, in order to allow Redrow to proceed with the development of the site, as well as applications for substations and advertisement consent.
The first phase of the development, named Westley Green, is well underway, and almost all the homes have been reserved.
We have managed to secure a very good working relationship with Basildon Council, which has assisted us in the progression of the various applications for this strategic site. Due to the importance of the Site, Basildon Planning Committee have determined each application, therefore we have had the opportunity to present the benefits of the scheme many times for our client, with a 100% success rate.
Going forward, we continue to support Redrow with applications for the Site, having recently submitted a Minor Material Amendment to one of the final phases of development.
Summary of achievements
- Submission of, and successful determination of two Reserved Matters Applications for two phases of development
- Presented the case for the Client successfully at two Planning Committees
- Developed a positive working relationship with the Council, enabling ongoing constructive discussions to progress the project
- Effective and successful consultation with neighbours and stakeholders with regard to the scheme
- Securing consent for numerous Minor Material and Non-Material Amendments, an application for a substation, and a significant number of conditions have been discharged.