Acting on behalf of the landlord, Planning Potential successfully secured a flexible consent for a vacant high street unit, whilst also retaining A1 status.
Planning Potential were approached directly by the landlord of the empty high street property to help secure a more flexible planning use to assist with marketing the premises. The existing use of the property was A1 retail, however there was scope to explore the potential for provision of food and beverages (A3) and leisure (D1/D2) use, such as a restaurant or gym. The landlord was keen not to lose the property’s A1 status. Planning Potential recommended applying for a flexible permission to allow for a range of uses, preventing the need to apply for a new consent each time, whilst ensuring protection of the property’s A1 status.
Planning Potential prepared a planning application and supporting statement setting out the difficulties experienced with letting the floorspace, including the challenging market conditions and constrained planning use. The application clearly demonstrated how class uses A1, A3, D1 and D2 would all be appropriate for the high street property, and gaining flexible consent now would prevent the need to go through the planning process every time a new use is requested. Planning Potential concluded that a flexible approach would enable the unit to be adapted and respond to changes more quickly, helping the landlord to offer the space to a wider range of occupiers and bring the premises back to life.
Delegated consent was secured in 8 weeks.
Summary of Achievements
- Preparation of a robust planning case
- Delivery of client objectives, securing flexible consent and protection of A1 Use
- Working closely with officers to secure delegated consent in 8 weeks