The Inspector agreed that the Council's evidence base was 'out of date', and did not meet the aims and aspirations of National guidance.
Harrogate Borough Council is considering the allocation of land suitable for housing development through its Local Plan. Planning Potential represent various local landowners to promote their sites as suitable for housing.
Planning Potential were actively involved in the Local Plan process.
Representations were submitted, and our attendance at the examination highlighted to the Inspector that site allocations proposed had not met the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework and were unsound. Harrogate Borough Council could not demonstrate a five year land supply.
Overall, the Inspector agreed that the Council's evidence base was 'out of date', and did not meet the aims and aspirations of National guidance.
Summary of achievements
- Drafting representations on the soundness and legal compliance of the Local Plan
- Preparation and attendance at the examination and speaking on behalf of clients
- Monitoring applications and future appeals to support the proposals
- Strategic advice on the progression of sites