Aberdeen Asset Management and Graftongate Investments Ltd
Enfield Distribution Park
We worked closely with Planning Officers at Enfield Council and other bodies including the Environment Agency and Highways and English Heritage to address their comments and concerns to allow the plans to steadily evolve. We coordinated responses from the consultees, swiftly overcoming concerns and successfully removing objections prior to determination.
We secured outline planning permission for Phase 1 & 2 of the comprehensive redevelopment of Ponders End Industrial Estate which involves the demolition of existing industrial buildings and the erection of new units, totalling approximately 31,552 sq m of floor space for B1, B2 and B8 uses – with associated car parking, servicing, hardstanding and landscaping
The application site is 2.56 hectares and is a well-established industrial area which forms part of the wider Brimsdown Strategic Industrial Location, as identified in the London Plan and local planning policy. Once the site has been redeveloped, the area will be rebranded as “Enfield Distribution Park”, creating a significant large-scale employment site within the Enfield Borough.
We worked closely with Planning Officers at Enfield Council and other bodies including the Environment Agency and Highways and English Heritage to address their comments and concerns to allow the plans to steadily evolve. We coordinated responses from the consultees, swiftly overcoming concerns and successfully removing objections prior to determination.
Although objections were also received from the council’s urban design and sustainability officers, we successfully communicated the need to assess the various material considerations of the proposals against the viability of the scheme for the developer and site owner. Stressing that the application was in outline form, with detailed design matters to be considered as part of future reserved matters applications, we secured officers’ support.
Planning officers advised committee that the proposed employment-led development was consistent with the Council’s corporate priorities and local planning policy and would result in approximately 750 new jobs, as well as jobs created during the construction of the scheme. The Council noted this was a significant and meaningful material consideration of the application.
A resolution to grant planning permission, subject to finalising a Section 106 Agreement, was unanimously agreed at planning committee in October 2014. A Reserved Matters application for Phase 1A of the development was subsequently approved in June 2016 and for Phase 1B was approved in May 2017. Works commenced on site in August 2016 and in November 2018 five new industrial units have been completed. These are currently let to Cooks Delight, DFS, Tottenham Hotspur and Farmdrop.
Summary of achievements
- Preparation of various reports in support of the planning submission, including the Planning Statement, Health Impact Assessment and Site Waste Management Plan
- Providing strong project management, coordinating the preparation and submission of the planning applications.
- Working closely with the local planning authority pre and post submission
- Negotiating the S106 Agreement and Conditions
- Discharge of conditions and S.106 requirements
- Preparation of representations on various Local Plan Documents on behalf of the land owners