Planning Potential successfully secured swift planning permission under delegated powers for a new self-storage facility with a bespoke high-quality design.
On behalf of Safestore, Planning Potential successfully secured swift planning permission under delegated powers for a new self-storage facility with a bespoke high-quality design.
Planning Potential were instructed to assist Safestore with delivery of their first self-storage facility in Wembley, having had a longstanding requirement for representation in Brent. The site represented vacant underutilised industrial land, offering the opportunity for regeneration and intensification.
The site, designated within the Local Plan as part of the Wembley Strategic Industrial Location, was a prominent but underutilised commercial plot which Safestore sought to redevelop to deliver a high-quality standalone building comprising of a gross internal are of 2,479 sqm with the intention to install four internal mezzanine floors under permitted development.
Early pre-application discussions were initiated with LB Brent which established officer support for the principle of the B8 self-storage use and the scale and massing of the 6-storey building. Planning Potential then managed the preparation of a detailed planning application, including instructing the consultant team on the client’s behalf and coordinated the progression of a scheme that demonstrated BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and a bespoke design.
Following submission, Planning Potential initiated early discussions with the case officer to ensure they had a full understanding of the proposals and to discuss feedback from statutory consultees. Initial concerns were raised in respect of access and the relocation of a bus stop; however through adopting a positive relationship with the officer and efficient coordination of the project team, these were addressed quickly, allowing all consultees to confirm no objections.
This resulted in the application being approved swiftly under delegated powers, with minimal pre-commencement conditions and no S.106 Agreement.
Summary of achievements
- Initiating positive pre-application discussions with LPA.
- Preparation of Planning Statement and coordination of planning submission.
- Liaising with client, project team and Officers and responding to concerns raised.
- Successful demonstration of the merits of the proposals, including compliance with the development plan.