Planning permission and listed building consent obtained for conversion and extension of curtilage listed cottage in the countryside into supported living units
Richardson Court Annexe is a curtilage listed cottage in use as C3b care home for 3 adults. Given the ever-growing need for more independent living formats for adults with learning disabilities and associated needs, Caretech asked Planning Potential to assist them in securing planning permission for the conversion of the property into two supported living units with 24-hour care.
The proposals involved the change of use of the C3b care home to a C2 care home, together with internal alterations and a side extension to facilitate the conversion.
A planning history investigation revealed a dismissed appeal decision relating to previous proposals to extend the building, and an examination of the decision and supporting documents were used to inform the scheme design and justification for development in the countryside.
We worked closely with Heritage Potential who prepared a detailed heritage statement to support the proposed alterations.
We also successfully demonstrated that the development was not required to be assessed against Natural England’s requirements in relation to new development within the Stodmarsh SSSI catchment and concerns with increased nutrient-loading.
Summary of achievements
Due diligence and planning history research to inform design and planning justification
Collaboration with Heritage Potential in relation to listed building matters
Negotiating away the requirement for detailed technical assessments in respect of increased-nitrate loading.