Planning Potential were responsible for the preparation and submission of a reserved matters application for Phase 2 of the Manor Kingsway development in Derby, which had outline consent for a mixed-use scheme comprising 580 dwellings, offices, retail, and associated infrastructure.
Outline consent was granted on the wider Manor Kingsway site in July 2014. We were instructed to advise Kier and manage the planning process – preparing, collating and submitting the reserved matters application for Phase 2of the scheme. The strategy also included the collation and submission of details in order to discharge all pre-commencement conditions, and advising on S106 matters to enable the client to start work on site imminently following the reserved matters approval.
In October 2014, we successfully obtained approval for the Phase 2 development of 110 dwellings. In addition, details to discharge 14 ‘pre-commencement of development’ conditions and five Section 106 Obligations were also approved.
Summary of achievements
- Clear advice on the strategy required to secure planning permission
- Project management of the planning process and other professionals
- Preparation of compelling evidence to support the application
- Preparation and submission of the application
- Responding to LPA concerns during the process to submission
- Advice on S106 Matters