In March 2022, Planning Potential secured a resolution to grant full planning permission, subject to GLA Stage 2 referral and the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement, for pioneering regeneration proposals comprising 131 apartments and circa 2,000 sqm of industrial floorspace at Thames Road, Barking.
Planning Potential coordinated the planning application from project inception, through pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and other stakeholders, into the planning submission and subsequent determination.
The development site is on Thames Road, sitting at the heart of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham’s (LBBD’s) Strategic Industrial Land (SIL). The Borough is embarking on a process of SIL release and intensification as a core strategic objective of its emerging Local Plan (which is currently under Examination in Public). The Thames Road area is subject of a masterplan, governed by land-use zoning principles. The development site is within the co-location zone.
Inland Homes have worked with core stakeholders to evolve the Thames Road masterplan and develop a proposal that aligns with the core principles of the document. The masterplan, which remains in draft form, offers a broad design code, setting parameters for building form and layout, building heights, landscaping strategy, and active transport provision. Pre-application discussions focused on alignment with the draft masterplan, the opportunity to pioneer development interest in a transitioning area, and introduce a critical mass of new housing to enable the birth of a new residential-led mixed-use neighbourhood. The application has been subject of scrutiny from LBBD’s Design Review Panel.
Given the transitional nature of Thames Road, it has been essential for the proposal to demonstrate an alignment with the existing industrial character and address Agent of Change principles, alongside the mid-term objective of creating urban design opportunities to which neighbouring sites can positively respond to in the future. An iterative design evolution process has sought to deliver the best possible solution for the site.
An integral element of the scheme is the provision of flexible employment floorspace that offers opportunities for intensification, and the ability for Thames Road to move away from heavy, dirtier industrial uses that have come to characterise it. Planning Potential has worked closely with LBBD’s regeneration company, Be First, to agree an industrial strategy for the site which offers high-quality floorspace for a range of light-industrial end-users. We worked with commercial agents to understand the unique characteristics of Barking, and the type of industrial offer that would be most appropriate.
We also worked with Planning and Policy Officers to assess the weight that could be afforded to the emerging Local Plan, in respect of the principles of SIL release and mixed-use development. Close engagement with the emerging Local Plan continues to be a key facet of Planning Potential’s role.
Over the course of the project, following the first pre-application meeting in June 2020, Planning Potential have worked to build strong relationships with Officers of Be First. We enjoy an excellent relationship with key personnel and have built a relationship based on trust and collaboration. Our hands-on approach to project management has supported the wider project team in meeting project deadlines and ensuring a robust, front-loaded planning application.
We have also supported communications colleagues in preparing the application for Planning Committee, including presentation to Committee Members’ Briefings. We have also supported public consultation strategy prior to the planning submission.
Summary of achievements
- Delivery of a resolution to grant planning permission for a draft site allocation.
- Project management and coordination of development team.
- Representations to, and engagement with, the draft Local Plan.
- Negotiations in respect of industrial strategy.
- Preparation and submission of planning application including Planning Statement.
- Negotiation / liaison with Local Planning Authority.