Planning Potential have obtained full planning permission on behalf of Hawksmoor Homes under Delegated Powers for a bespoke residential development on Previously Developed Land within the Green Belt. The proposals include 12 dwellings, including seven affordable homes, which will help to address an acute affordable housing need locally.
We have successfully coordinated a full planning application for a local housebuilder with a reputation for high-quality new homes. The development proposal successfully navigated around substantial planning constraints on the land, which was unallocated employment land within Guildford’s Green Belt, making better use of a brownfield site.
Planning Potential presented a robust and considered planning justification for the proposals, which was integral to the granting of planning permission. The site was in Class B8 storage use for touring caravans, albeit was of deteriorating quality and visually unattractive. We presented the case for the proposals representing an exceptional form of development within the Green Belt under paragraph 147(g) of the NPPF. The proposed residential development would have no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing use, and moreover, would introduce both market and affordable housing as a material planning benefit.
We also successfully addressed Guildford BC’s employment protection policies by demonstrating that the site could only perform a limited employment function because its Green Belt situation essentially prevented intensification of the employment use under national Green Belt policy. The site is therefore unfavourable as a location for alternative employment-generating uses. Moreover, we were able to demonstrate that alternative caravan storage facilities existed elsewhere that offered a wider range of services, such that the proposed development would not result in the loss of an essential facility.
We worked with the design team to deliver a proposal of high-quality architectural design, exhibiting key characteristics of the ‘Surrey vernacular’, and coordinated a wider consultant team to address other planning considerations including landscape and visual impacts.
Summary of achievements
- Liaison with Local Planning Authority;
- Demonstrate compliance with Green Belt and employment protection planning policies;
- Co-ordination and submission of the planning application;
- Continuous support to the architects and design team throughout the process;
- Project management of the process and consultant team.