The key was to justify the need for plant equipment, which indeed was situated within close proximity to residential properties, we collaborated with acoustic experts to provide the necessary justification.
Planning Potential successfully secured the necessary approvals for Gail’s to establish itself in a prominent location on the bustling Seven Dials junction in Brighton.
After identifying the optimal site within Deven Dials, Gail’s set out to remodel the space to meet their specifications. The commercial unit, having been unoccupied for an extended period, offered the opportunity for Gail’s to undertake a full refurbishment, resulting in external shopfront and signage works which created a significant uplift to the local area. The enhancements also included the installation of air-conditioning units in the front light-well, in addition to outdoor seating on the pavement immediately outside.
A critical aspect of the planning process was to establish the necessity for plant equipment that meet the bakery’s operational requirements, particularly given its proximity to residential properties. The key was to justify the need for plant equipment, which indeed was situated within close proximity to residential properties, we collaborated with acoustic experts to provide the necessary justification. Appropriate applications for shopfront works, advertisements, installation of new plant and outdoor seating were prepared.
We were successful in liaising with LPA Environmental Health Officers to demonstrate that the proposed plant equipment would be sensitive in respect of design and noise impact. As a result, we were able to secure all permissions required by Gail’s to open their new bakery in February 2024.