The proposal to revitalise a vacant high street unit was approved despite initial reservations from the LPA Conservation Officer.
On behalf of Coffee#1 Limited, Planning Potential’s Bristol office have successfully secured planning permission at 124 High Street, Cheltenham. The permission allows for internal alterations to allow a listed building within a prominent high-street to be occupied by Coffee#1 Limited was approved over the holiday season.
The listed building is located within a high profile town centre location which is subject to a significant level of footfall from both tourists and the local population. We prepared planning applications for internal works to sympathetically alter the non-original works within the unit.
Planning Potential also submitted advertisement consent for an externally illuminated fascia sign, alongside an internally illuminated projecting sign which was actively discussed with the local authority and was subsequently approved based on the initial proposal.
Planning Potential liaised directly with the client and Conservation Officer to ensure that their initial confusion on internal decorations was rectified, and a positive outcome was ensured for the Client which satisfied the requests of the Officer.
The Café has since completed the approved works and opened for trading. We understand that the local community have been thoroughly enjoying the hot coffee and baked goods on offer.
Summary of Achievements
- Providing necessary and positive solutions to heritage issues
- Securing approval on all submissions for the client at a difficult site.
- Ensured the LPA maintained their consistency throughout the holiday season.