Busy Bee Nurseries at Hopefield Castle

Midlothian Council

The planning teams, Heritage Potential, and Communications Potential joined forces to secure Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent for a new Busy Bees Nursery at the historic Hopefield Castle.

Hopefield Castle, a Category B listed building, dates back to the late 18th century in its core and was remodelled to its current appearance in the 1880s. The unique Italianate design, which is uncharacteristic of the area, was developed by its owner and builder, John Dennis of Newcastle, and is of considerable interest.

Planning Potential, Heritage Potential and Communications Potential helped secure permission to change the use of C3 dwelling, an internal fit-out, amalgamating divided spaces, alongside external modifications, including the introduction of a new canopy, fencing, and gates to enhance and extend the use of the entire building as a nursery.

The Heritage Potential team collaborated with the Midlothian Council archives to access early floor plans and develop a sensitive internal fit-out strategy at the feasibility stage, which led to a successful planning application. The team also delved into the details of the Historic Environment Policy for Scotland and demonstrated that the numerous alterations were not harmful to the significance of the heritage asset.

Communications Potential engaged with immediate neighbours and other stakeholders on the proposals, being mindful of the planning history of the site. Working with the council’s Environmental Health Team, and taking on board feedback from residents, Planning Potential prepared a Noise Management Plan to ensure the extended nursery operation does not impact the amenity of adjoining residents, whilst the giving the children in the local area access to fantastic outdoor space.

The full planning application and listed building consent applications were approved under delegated powers with no pre-start conditions attached, enabling the client to start works immediately on site.

Summary of achievements:

  • Heritage and Planning Appraisal for the client
  • Preparation, submission and monitoring of planning and listed building applications
  • Engagement in constructive application discussions with the Council