
Kings Hill, Tonbridge and Malling

Planning Potential worked with proactively with the Local Authority and consultant team meaning that the application received unanimous approval at planning committee within six months of the application being submitted, and was commended by the Chair of planning committee.

Having identified this site as having potential, Planning Potential provided a site appraisal of the site which was followed by the submission of a pre-application request to the Local Authority in December 2020.  Following this meeting the consultant team undertook the necessary research to prepare reports to support the application at the same time as a public consultation exercise took place.

An application was submitted to Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council in August 2021 and a Planning Performance Agreement was signed with the Local Authority. Following validation of the application, consultation responses were reviewed, and additional information provided were required – this proactive approach ensured that there were no objections from statutory consultees to the application.

The application was taken to Planning Committee in December 2021 with a recommendation for approval.  Members requested that the application be deferred in order to allow consideration of additional sustainability measures to be included, despite the fact that the scheme was policy compliant in this regard. Subsequent to these further discussions took place with Officers and amendments were made to the scheme.  The application was taken back to Planning Committee in February 2022 and received a unanimous approval, with the Chair specifically stating that the response of Aldi to matters raised at the previous planning committee were welcomed.

As there were no S106 requirements the decision notice was swiftly issued, and Aldi sought to commence development of the site and providing the Aldi offer to the residents of Kings Hill as soon as possible.