Planning Potential secured unanimous approval at Committee for a new Aldi store on an out-of-centre employment site at Longwater, on the north-western outskirts of Norwich.
Following detailed pre-application discussions with North Norfolk District Council, Planning Potential provided the client with detailed advice on application requirements and coordinated the preparation of the required level of justification. This involved preparation of detailed retail impact and sequential assessments, supporting the case for a store at an out-of-centre location. The scope of the assessments were agreed with officers prior to submission, reducing the need for detailed discussions post submission and securing early support from officers on these technical aspects of the application.
Planning Potential also managed an effective pre-submission public consultation, securing wide local support for the introduction of Aldi at this location. This also involved dialogue with Ward Councillors and a presentation to the local Parish Council prior to submission.
An application was submitted in January 2021, with Planning Potential closely monitoring and coordinating swift responses to consultation comments. This ensured officers were comfortable with the key technical points of the submission, allowing them to take the application to Planning Committee relatively swiftly in April 2021, where Members expressed unanimous support for the proposals. Permission was subsequently issued with no associated S.106 Agreement.
Summary of Achievements
Detailed pre-application discussions
Coordinating consultant team.
Preparing detailed Retail Impact and Sequential Assessments.
Securing unanimous support at Committee within 3 months.
Negotiating conditions with no requirement for a S.106 Agreement.