Members of the London Borough of Islington’s Planning Committee unanimously resolved to grant permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement, which was subsequently signed in June 2023.
On behalf of Wittington Investments Ltd, Planning Potential secured planning permission for over 2000 sq m offices space, on Goswell Road, opposite The Barbican. Members of the London Borough of Islington’s Planning Committee unanimously resolved to grant permission, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement, which was subsequently signed in June 2023.
The site at 23 Goswell Road, was vacant and formerly The Italia Conti Academy Theatre of Arts. The has a draft allocation for office use in Islington’s Emerging Local Plan, and Wittington purchased the site with an agreed end-user, Spacemade who provide flexible office space.
Planning Potential led a thorough a pre-application process, where the council assessed the proposals carefully due to the location of the site near listed heritage assets, and in line with stringent sustainability policies in the emerging Local Plan. The proposals were for a deep retrofit and new elevations.
Working with the wider team the proposals presented a significant improvement in terms of appearance, the provision of 90sqm of affordable workspace, and a Category A fit out.
The proposals incorporate a sedum roof and solar panels at roof level, and achieve a BREEAM score of Excellent, with a reduction of 79.2% in total carbon emissions achieved.
Summary of Achievements
- Initial assessment of site prospects
- Project management and preparation of the supporting evidence for the application
- Leading the pre-application process
- Presenting the scheme at planning committee
- Negotiation and liaison with the council on planning conditions
- Advice on S106 matters.