The Founders Arms — Young and Co's Brewery Plc

London, Bankside

Planning Potential win an appeal for an additional dining space overlooking the river at the popular Founders Arms, Bankside.

Young & Co’s were keen to extend their popular pub overlooking the River Thames on Bankside. Due to site constraints the only option was to go upwards.

Planning Potential held pre-application discussions with Southwark Council on a roof-top extension scheme and our in-house communications team, Communications Potential, coordinated public consultation with the residents and key stakeholders. The scheme was revised to take account of feedback received and we liaised with the architects and a team of consultants on noise, flood risk, plant equipment and transport to prepare a detailed planning submission. We prepared a planning and heritage statement demonstrating the proposals would be entirely acceptable within the Central Activities Zone and Opportunity Area and would not have any harmful impact on important river views, nearby heritage assets, or the amenities of nearby residents.

A large number of objections were received from residents located behind the pub, predominantly raising concerns about loss of views and noise/disturbance. Despite additional information submitted to allay concerns and no objections from consultees including the Council’s environmental health team, the application was refused under delegated powers on the grounds that the additional customers would result in noise and anti-social behaviour that would harm the amenity of local residents.

Planning Potential prepared the appeal, supported by observation reports from licensing consultants, demonstrating that there was no evidence to support the Council’s position. The appellant’s evidence demonstrated that the site was already a busy pub in a busy location, and that the uplift in customers as a result of the roof-top extension would not change the existing character or noise climate of the area, and would not result in any harm to neighbours.

The Inspector agreed with our case and allowed the appeal, commenting as follows:

“Given the busy pub operation at the Founder’s Arms and ambient sound levels, I consider this proposal would cause no material harm to the living conditions of the neighbouring residents”.

“The proposal would not result in material harm through the risk of causing an increase in anti-social behaviour occurring in the surrounding area”.

The proposals, which also include enclosure of the existing open bin store and improvements to the roof-top plant, will enhance this popular riverside pub enabling it to make a greater contribution to the vitality and viability of the Bankside area.

Summary of Achievements

  • Provision of pre-application advice
  • Public and stakeholder consultation
  • Preparation of the planning submission
  • No objections from consultees
  • Preparation of compelling evidence to support the appeal