Unanimous Approval Secured for Young’s New Headquarters and Staff Training Facilities in Wandsworth
Young’s instructed us to prepare planning and listed building applications, seeking permission for a new boutique hotel and company headquarters development, to transform the site of the Spread Eagle public house, on Wandsworth High Street.
The redevelopment site is just across the street from the Ram Brewery, Young’s former home, and includes the Grade II Listed Spread Eagle, a listed former cinema, and a rear car park.
Unanimous approval was secured for the scheme which involves the conversion of the pub’s upper storeys to create boutique hotel rooms. An extension into the rear car park, with a glazed link to new offices in the converted cinema building, will provide additional bedrooms and a kitchen training facility.
Works were also approved for the refurbishment of the ground floor pub, which is on CAMRA’s inventory of nationally historic pub interiors. Young’s will be headquartered in the new offices, and the training facilities will be used by young chefs and kitchen staff who will be employed in the company’s pubs.
- Guided a Major Planning Application with Complex Heritage Considerations to Unanimous Approval
- Secured Crucial Amendments to the Scheme and Further Listed Building Consents
- Successful Joined-up Planning, Heritage and Communications Strategy
- Positive Liaison with Planning and Conservation Officers Throughout