We successfully secured planning permission under delegated powers for the extension of Minerva House in Hatton Garden.
Planning Potential successfully secured planning permission under delegated powers for the extension of Minerva House in Hatton Garden, an office building within the Hatton Garden Conservation Area.
We initially appraised the existing lawful planning use of the building, which was sub-divided into various tenanted areas, to advise on prospective development opportunities. Although the building has an attractive frontage onto Hatton Garden, the office accommodation was poor and in need of upgrading to meet modern standards. We advised on the planning and heritage merits of a scheme to create an additional storey of office accommodation, and lightwell infill extensions to the existing floorplan, adding a total of 349 sqm GIA to the existing floor space (20% uplift). We successfully demonstrated that the proposals would ensure that the character and appearance of the conservation area would be preserved.
The proposal triggered Camden’s mixed use policy relating to the Hatton Garden area, requiring 50% of the additional floor space to be provided as affordable floor space suitable for the jewellery sector. Through detailed negotiations with the LPA, we successfully achieved a derogation in the policy requirement to 20%, by advocating the wider planning benefits of delivering high quality office floor space. We also secured the ability for the affordable floor space to be provided under Class B1a or Class B1c, to accommodate the changing nature of the jewellery industry and allow for flexibility in future tenancy agreements.
We also negotiated on behalf of the developer in respect of Section 106 obligations, to ensure a proportionate agreement was reached with the LPA, and we are currently advising on discharging these obligations and planning conditions.
Planning Potential also provided communications services, including liaison with neighbours and ward councillors. Delegated planning approval was granted in March 2017.
Summary of achievements
- Initial planning appraisal and provision of strategy advice
- Management and coordination of the planning application including preparation of a planning statement.
- Monitoring of planning application and securing consent under delegated powers
- Negotiation with LPA in respect of design and mixed use policy
- Negotiation of Section 106 matters
- Provision of communications services