Permission Granted for Refurbishment of Grade II Listed Building and Appeal Success for Change of Use From Residential to Office Use.
Planning Potential achieved Listed Building Consent for an internal refurbishment and Planning Permission for the change of use to create a basement office at a Grade II listed Georgian house located within the Harley Street Conservation Area.
Approval was achieved at delegated level for internal works in the basement, second and third floors of the property. The works included the insertion of stud walls to reconfigure the property, the insertion of ensuite facilities and the new provision or reinstatement of doors. We were able to demonstrate through historic research that the works would not be harmful to the special interest (significance) of the listed building.
Despite officers refusing the change of use from C3 to B1 at basement level due to the loss of residential floorspace, we were able to demonstrate at appeal that the floorspace was unsuitable for residential use and posed no threat to Westminster’s housing protection policies.
We were able to achieve a 21st Century home for our client that could meet both their domestic and business needs whilst retaining the integrity of the 18th Century building and its special interest.
Summary of achievements
- Approval of Internal Listed Building Consent works within statutory timeframes
- Approval of a change of use from C3 to B1 at appeal despite policy conflict
- Successfully securing a balance between modern living and architectural and historic significance through carefully designed proposals within a Grade II listed building