In March 2018, Planning Potential obtained the London Borough of Lambeth’s prior approval for the change of use of a two-storey commercial building within the Grange Mills Industrial Estate in Balham from office (Class B1a) to residential (Class C3).
We applied to Lambeth for a determination as to whether its prior approval was required for the proposed change of use. After receiving the decision that prior approval was required, a compilation of supporting technical reports were submitted to demonstrate that the change of use would not give rise to any of the adverse impacts set out in the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) and demonstrate the lawful existing office use of the building. Managing a wider team of consultants, Planning Potential was then able to assemble a comprehensive submission which robustly demonstrated that a residential conversion of the building was achievable.
By coordinating the technical project team, we successfully demonstrated that transport and highways impacts, noise impacts of adjacent commercial uses, contamination risks and flooding risks associated with the change of use did not warrant the withholding of prior approval. Lambeth agreed with our submissions and were able to grant prior approval. Thereafter, we assisted in Section 106 negotiations on behalf of the applicant. The building now has consent for conversion into nine residential units, comprising of studios, one-bedroom and two-bedroom
Summary of achievements
- Strategic advice in relation to the proposals
- Project management and coordination of a project consultancy team
- Submission of formal application and response to matters raised
- Section 106 negotiation