Gymnasium Group

Thrayle House, Brixton

Planning Potential helps bring a gym to Thrayle House in Brixton, allowing a vacant commercial unit in the housing development to be brought into use, helping to create a vibrant community.

We were delighted to secure planning permission for Gymnasium Group’s third London gym, having previously assisted with the opening of their Wandsworth site. The new gym, which will have a focus on strength, conditioning and mobility based around expertly coached group training, will be the latest occupier of the new Thrayle House development on Stockwell Road in Brixton.

As the unit formed part of a large redevelopment scheme, Planning Potential prepared a due diligence planning appraisal which provided advice on what the extant planning permission covered and identified any restrictive and operational conditions which would have a bearing on Gymnasium’s occupation of the unit. Despite gyms now falling within Class E and a permission allowing a range of Class E uses, a specific restrictive use condition meant planning permission was required to enable Gymnasium to occupy. We reviewed the relevant planning policies and advised robust marketing would be required to support an application due to Lambeth’s retail and office protection policies. A noise report would also be required to demonstrate there would be no harmful impact on the residents above.

Planning Potential coordinated the marking information and application submission, and prepared a robust planning case for the change of use of the vacant commercial unit to a gym for use by the local community. The case was accepted and the requirement for additional marketing information avoided. Planning Potential also dealt with cycle parking and delivery/servicing conditions and secured permission with a 5am opening time in line with Gymnasium’s operational requirements.

Summary of achievements

  • Due diligence appraisal identifying restrictive conditions
  • Advice on, and coordination of, marketing evidence
  • Robust planning case
  • Negotiating away the need for additional evidence and onerous conditions