Planning Potential were able to present a strong planning case to the Council as to why the loss of the former public house was justified and appropriate in this instance and that the replacement development was appropriate.
Planning Potential secured planning permission for the redevelopment of the Coopers Arms Public House to deliver 20 high quality flats, with ground floor commercial space.
The approved scheme comprises the demolition of a former public house, that had remained vacant for many years, to deliver much needed residential accommodation. The site owner had endeavoured to find a new occupier for the public house, however, despite an extensive marketing campaign this was unsuccessful, and the site was not considered viable for any future use as a public house.
The public house was locally listed and was allocated as an Asset of Community Value in 2016. As no offer for the building was made by the community, the protection from sale or redevelopment no longer applied by the time planning permission was sought by our client.
Planning Potential engaged with the Officers at Barking and Dagenham Council through multiple pre-application meetings to ensure the replacement design of the development played homage to the former use, demarking the key corner on which the site sits, with a building of high-quality design.
Planning Potential were able to present a strong planning case to the Council as to why the loss of the former public house was justified and appropriate in this instance and that the replacement development was appropriate. The loss of community facilities was offset by a financial contribution to enhance local park play space.
The proposals needed to respond to their urban context through consideration being given to privacy, outlook, daylight and sunlight impacts on adjacent residents, whilst also demonstrating that high quality accommodation, with sufficient amenity space was provided for the future residents of the development.
Summary of Achievements
- Build a robust planning argument to justify the loss of a former Public House
- Work closely with the LPA to agree the design of proposals which respected the former use and the local listing status of the existing building
- Engage in multiple pre-application meetings with the LPA to agree strategy and design
- Coordinate proposals which respect the existing neighbours, whilst creating a high-quality living environment for future residents
- Work closely with the LPA through the determination period
- Advise on conditions and S106 matters