Land south of Coles Lane, Ockley — Inland Homes

Mole Valley District Council

Appeal allowed for the delivery of up to 60 dwellings in ‘Countryside beyond the Green Belt’ in Mole Valley District Council

Planning Potential secured outline planning permission at appeal for the delivery of up to 60 dwellings, with associated works. A second appeal for offsite works, relating to the delivery of an extension to a footpath to improve the connectivity with the nearby Train Station were also allowed by the Inspector.

Having originally been refused planning permission by Planning Committee Councillors in October 2020, after a very balanced debate, Planning Potential sought to co-ordinate a package of improved off-site highways works enabling the improved pedestrian connectivity between the nearby village of Capel and Ockley Train Station, which is immediately adjacent to the site. The improved off-site works were considered to alleviate some of the Councillors original concerns, however the revised application, was also refused, this time by Officer’s, in October 2021.

With the original appeal in the appeals system already, Planning Potential sought to have the betterment of the revised proposals carried forward for consideration by the appointed Planning Inspector. Having worked closely with the Inspector and the Council, to ensure the amalgamated proposals were clear to the public and all those involved, a Hearing was then scheduled.

A day long hearing took place in July 2022, whereby Planning Potential were responsible for co-ordinating the appellant team, on disciplines covering, landscape, highways, trees, ecology and of course planning.

The planning case presented by Planning Potential relied heavily on the lack of five-year housing land supply (2.9 years) and the sustained under delivery of affordable housing. A case of planning balance was put before the Inspector, and we are pleased that the decision was reached that the presumption in favour of sustainable development prevailed.